Harnessing Large Language Models for Personalized Inbound Marketing

The advent of large language models (LLMs) has enabled businesses to explore new applications, particularly in the realm of personalized communication. These models facilitate the generation of customized messages in real-time, allowing for marketing content to be tailored and delivered to each customer via their preferred channels. It is important to underscore that customer segmentation is no longer the focus; the emphasis has now shifted to the individual customer. Recognizing the impracticality of addressing individual customer preferences through conventional manual methods, it is evident that automation is essential to achieve this level of personalization. Rest of the discussion will revolve around how to implement Gen AI for crafting and delivery personalized messages to the customers.

To begin with, it is imperative to convert the purchasing patterns of customers into quantifiable engagement scores to accurately assess their usage levels. These metrics are instrumental in detecting shifts in consumer behavior following marketing initiatives. Typically, businesses employ a machine learning-based engagement framework for this purpose. The analytical techniques that may be applied within such frameworks include RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) analysis, Survival Analysis, and Cohort Analysis. While a detailed exploration of these methodologies will be addressed in the future, it is sufficient to state at present that the insights derived from one or more of these analyses contribute to the creation of features. These features are then utilized to construct and refine the machine learning algorithms underpinning the engagement framework.

Engagement Scores: Imagine a customer, John, who makes purchases on an e-commerce platform. Initially, John buys items sporadically, perhaps once every few months. However, after a targeted marketing campaign, John’s purchase frequency increases to bi-weekly. This change in behavior would be reflected in his engagement score, which would rise due to the increased frequency and recency of his purchases.

RFM Analysis: RFM analysis would categorize customers based on how recently ® and how often (F) they made a purchase, as well as the monetary value (M) of their purchases. For example, a customer who made a large purchase yesterday would score high in all three categories, indicating high engagement.

Survival Analysis: This analysis predicts the time until a certain event, such as churn. If a customer typically makes a purchase every month, but suddenly stops, survival analysis helps to predict when they might return or if they have churned.

Cohort Analysis: Customers are grouped into cohorts based on shared characteristics or experiences within a defined time-span. For instance, customers who signed up during a holiday sale might be observed for changes in their purchasing patterns compared to those who signed up at other times.

Machine Learning Algorithm: Using the features created from these analyses, a machine learning algorithm could predict customer engagement levels. For example, it might identify that customers who view a product page more than five times in one session are highly likely to make a purchase within the next week, thus having a high engagement score.

These examples demonstrate how data analysis and machine learning can transform raw customer behavior into actionable insights, enabling businesses to tailor their marketing strategies effectively.

The subsequent phase involves the creation of distinct customer personas, which are informed by the engagement framework and individual preferences. The significance of persona development lies in its utility for large language models (LLMs), which process data through natural language. Engaging with these models necessitates a similar linguistic approach. Python offers a variety of libraries, such as TAPAS, that enable the interrogation and response to tabular data. These tools are instrumental in translating transactional data into natural language narratives that encapsulate the customer profile comprehensively. It is crucial to recognize that these narratives are not only informed by the engagement framework but also enhance it. However, it is essential to distinguish between the processes of engagement framework application and persona development, as they are separate yet complementary tasks. Let’s consider an example to elucidate the process of generating individual customer personas based on engagement frameworks and preferences:

Suppose we have a customer named Maya. She frequently shops for eco-friendly products and has a history of engaging with content related to sustainability. Using the engagement framework, we’ve identified that Maya often reads articles on eco-friendly living and participates in community discussions about reducing waste.

Persona Development: Based on this data, we create a persona for Maya as an “Eco-Conscious Shopper.” This persona includes her preferences for sustainable products, her engagement with educational content on environmental topics, and her interaction patterns on the platform.

Engagement with LLMs: When communicating with LLMs, we use natural language to convey Maya’s persona. For instance, we might input, “Show products and content for an eco-conscious shopper interested in sustainability and community engagement.”

Python Libraries and Narratives: Using a Python library like TAPAS, we can query Maya’s transactional data in a conversational manner. For example, we might ask, “What type of eco-friendly products does Maya purchase most frequently?” The library processes this query and responds in natural language, such as, “Maya frequently purchases biodegradable kitchenware and organic cotton clothing.”

These narratives, derived from transactional data and augmented by the engagement framework, provide a comprehensive view of Maya as an individual customer. They allow us to tailor marketing strategies and product recommendations specifically for her, enhancing her shopping experience and potentially increasing her loyalty to the platform.

It’s important to note that while the engagement framework provides the data-driven foundation, the persona development brings a human-centric approach to interpreting and utilizing that data. Both are integral to creating a personalized customer experience in the age of AI-driven marketing.

The final stage in leveraging large language models (LLMs) for marketing involves the intricate process of prompt engineering. This entails crafting prompts that guide LLMs to produce targeted marketing content for upselling or cross-selling. It’s noteworthy that LLMs have evolved to not only generate text but also create compelling visuals, such as images and videos, enhancing the overall impact of marketing campaigns.

When developing marketing copy, it’s essential to utilize established frameworks like AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) or FAB (Features, Advantages, Benefits). These frameworks are well-understood by mainstream LLMs, and simply referencing them can trigger the generation of content aligned with their principles. While it’s not our aim to delve into the intricacies of these frameworks, it’s crucial to understand their implementation in the context of LLMs.

Another critical aspect is mitigating the occurrence of ‘hallucinations’—inaccurate or irrelevant content generated by LLMs. This is addressed by providing a rich context through the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) approach. There are various methodologies to implement RAG, with LANGCHAIN being a prominent one at present. RAG enriches LLMs with a vast array of documents and texts, which helps in defining the context and, consequently, in eliciting more accurate responses from the model. In summary, the art of prompt engineering for LLMs is a sophisticated blend of creative writing and technical know-how, ensuring that the generated content is both relevant and engaging for the individual customer. The goal is to captivate the customer’s interest, ultimately leading to a successful marketing outcome.

Conclusion: The examples provided illustrate the transformative power of data analysis and machine learning in shaping customer-centric marketing strategies. By understanding and implementing these technologies, businesses can ensure that their marketing messages not only reach the right ears but also speak directly to the individual needs and preferences of each customer.

Unleashing Creativity: How Generative AI is Revolutionizing Marketing Copywriting

In the realm of marketing, the advent of Generative AI has sparked a revolution, particularly in the domain of copywriting. Here’s how this innovative technology is transforming the industry:

Personalization at Scale: Customers’ expectations for personalization are at an all-time high. Generative AI, powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT, Bard, and LLAMA, is meeting this demand by crafting personalized content that resonates with individual preferences.

Inbound Marketing Reimagined: Inbound marketing strategies are being redefined as AI leverages machine learning models to score customer engagement, translating transactional behaviors into detailed personas.

Content Creation Unleashed: The ability to generate marketing copy that targets individual customers is perhaps one of the most groundbreaking feats of Generative AI. It’s not just about reaching out through preferred communication channels; it’s about creating content that speaks directly to the customer’s needs and interests.

Engagement Tracking: Once a marketing campaign is underway, tracking engagement levels becomes crucial. LLMs can now understand and apply marketing frameworks such as AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) and FAB (Features, Advantages, Benefits), enabling them to create compelling copy in mere seconds.

Visual Appeal: The power of LLMs extends beyond text. They can now generate captivating images tailored to individual customers, adding a new dimension to the personalized marketing experience.

Navigating Challenges: Controlling hallucinations—instances where AI generates incorrect or nonsensical information—is a challenge. Techniques like Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) are being developed to address this, ensuring the reliability of AI-generated content.

In conclusion, Generative AI has indeed disrupted marketing, forever altering how brands communicate with their audiences. The future holds even more promise, as we continue to explore and refine these technologies, making marketing more effective and personal than ever before.

My gig on fiverr is https://www.fiverr.com/s/j93Kk7 where you can reach me to work on marketing copywriting through LLM.


AI Impact on Food Industry

Integrating AI into businesses can dramatically reduce human errors and hike up quality leading to an increase in consumer satisfaction and, eventually, sales. According to Lori Mitchell-Keller, global general manager of Consumer Industries at SAP, key AI applications have positively impacted the front- and back-end processes of F&B companies she’s worked with:


Useful ideas of applying AI in food industry below is must read blog:

How to use Artificial Intelligence for Food Industry

Five Frontiers of Digital Marketing

Digital transformation triggered several shifts in traditional practices especially in marketing. Marketing professionals spend lot of time in learning ways to conquer frontiers of digital marketing. Often it has been witnessed that when it comes to implementation then veterans find it difficult to apply digital marketing concepts due to ambiguous understanding of the subject.

Frontiers of Digital Marketing Image

Let’s try to look at digital marketing components and their frontiers to grab the concept crisply!

Digital marketing components are classified into several groups which need to be ascertaining before digging into them:

  1. Customers

Customers are the pivotal component of the entire digital marketing paradigm. It is always helpful to visualize customer as the dart board and number of rings in the board are its needs. Therefore, developing customer personas is one of the key functions in this frontier. There is comprehensive blog written on developing personas which is a must to read “How to Create Detailed Buyer Personas for Your Business”. Customer feedback is another very important activity of this layer which force entire model to improve.

  1. Strategy

Once the target is set, then strategy becomes next priority whose role is to navigate organizational resources to their ultimate goal. I have written the blog on the subject which could be useful Four Pillars of Digital Marketing Strategy.

  1. Interfaces

It cannot be over emphasized that interfaces should be user friendly and intuitive in nature. Moreover, they should be seamlessly integrated with marketing automation platform in-order to drip real-time analytics and other functions. There is noteworthy article, which will assist in this knowledge area “10 Rules of Good UI Design to Follow On Every Web Design Project”. 

  • Website
  • Emails
  • Social Media
  • Advertisements
  1. Processes

On back of interfaces there are three mission critical processes which are recurrently running and moving the wheel of digital marketing in the direction of strategy to realize growth. Processes are tightly coupled with marketing automation platform.

  1. Content Management : Follow the link to read more on content management “Six Stage Process Of Content Marketing!”
  2. Search Engine Optimization : Follow the link to read more on SEO “How To Do Search Engine Optimization!”.
  3. Lead Nurturing Management:
  1. Platform

This is the platform which glues interfaces with processes and provides insight to the management for better decision making and controlling marketing activities.

Marketing Automation – platforms such as Sales Force are some of the examples.

Businesses will have no levels of management in future, due to Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation and Digital Transformation.

Technology progressions have been disrupting traditional ways of activities, starting from the invention of computers to social networks and multi-room mainframe servers to hand held smart-phones. Likewise, recently we have been bombarded with lot of buzz words reflecting technological advancements, but couple of them is really gearing up to disrupt traditional organizational structure of businesses.


Machine learning is taking over all repetitive tasks of junior staff and already being considered as preferred choice of customer support in USA where 45% of consumers shown their inclination towards AI based online chatbots. Machine learning is the only viable solution to handle BIG DATA after digital transformation, where algorithm based soft robots identifies patterns in the data to predict future. Digital marketing strategies are already employing countless machine learning tools to gain competitive edge by understanding their market and customers better than their competition.

Digital transformation influencing businesses to move to inbound business models, should have the ability to cater to varying requirements of the consumers and scale easily. Due to the advent of smartphones and social media, online users prefer virtual interactions with their friends and family as it provides them comfort. Therefore, most of the people tend to gravitate towards quick virtual interaction with BOTS and get the issue resolved by tapping their smartphones.


Computers are the preferred choice of doing repetitive tasks at fast pace, without human errors. Therefore Robotic Process Automation (RPA) finding the ground in businesses and replacing low quality manpower with soft robots. For instance, performing data scrapping task for gathering market intelligence RPA becomes invaluable tool for marketing managers despite spending several folds more on human resource.

Finally, it is quite certain in the horizon that businesses will shrink in terms of head count and invest more on technology.

Giving the sense to Big Data through Neural Networks



In marketing fraternity, handling “BIG DATA” is more of challenge to in order to deduce meaningful information out of it. Artificial Neural Networks has the capability to transform data into productive information through detecting patterns in the data. There are several domains in which ANN is being employed such as image processing, sales forecasting, market research and chat bots.

Good Read to have insight:


4 Step Process of Online Reputation Management

We have witnessed mushroom growth in the last decade, where businesses acquired social media profiles for their marketing and customer support activities. At the same time due to raised awareness and easy to use platforms, consumers provide feedback about the brand frequently. Number of reviews posted every minute by Yelp users is 26,380. Interestingly if any brand rectifies the complaint quickly then they keep 95% of their disgruntled customers which is good number. On the other hand 86% people hesitate in buying products or service of the brand which have negative online reviews. These facts reveal that Online Reputation Management (ORM) is indeed one of the key functions of modern day businesses.


Although you can find hefty ORM agents in the market but it is pertinent to understand the subject before dealing with it. If you have basic knowledge of Risk Management, Digital Marketing and Legal then you are at a better position to understand and resolve the subject.


Process is required to streamline ORM practices and rules, which is stated below:



Businesses should have mechanisms through which regularly content about the brand should be fetched either automatically or manually from web sphere. Your social media and search engine resources should report all the reviews and mentions to the central repository of ORM either through emails or other means.


There are some tools which can assist you in elicitation:

  1. Google Alerts
  2. Yahoo Alerts
  3. Mention.net
  4. Social Mention
  5. Hootsuite
  6. Feedly




All reviews and social mentions needs to be classified into atleast three categories which will be aligned respectively with suggested counter measure in later stage of CONTROL STRATEGY. Excess of anything is BAD here therefore moderation is suggested. When you say that your business is transparent then it should be again upto certain level don’t forget that two third online shoppers drop the idea of buying if they see two to three negative comments online. Therefore, classify all the comments into Positive, Negative & Opportunity comments. I think first two classes are self explanatory but the third one needs more deliberation. Opportunity comments include reviews or mentions which are on negative side but at the same time they provide opportunity to respond in a way that will either result in minimum loss or can be resolved by explaining the situation. These comments help in earning trust of the customer because they feel that brand is being transparent and giving exposure to Positive and negative comments both.



After classification applying counter measures is a pretty straight forward task where all the positive comments are aggressively promoted in the shape of testimonials on all platforms of web. Secondly, Negative comments are either tried to be removed from web or it is suppressed by positive comments down so that their exposure to users become restricted as we know that 93% of search engine users never go beyond first page of the search result. Lastly, opportunity comments can be utilized in the shape of case studies and then promoted in-order to explain the complete context of error and how fast it is resolved.



At the end of the process it is very important to quantify the brand value in-order to realize that where it is going. You need holistic approach to evaluate your brand value through multiple tools which are mentioned below:

  • Klout
  • Yelp & Other review websites
  • Alexa Rank
  • Google Rank

Google Rank

1.75 (2014) Billion to 5 Billion Users of Mobile by 2017

Due to popularity of 3G & 4G is triggering switching between traditional mobile phone users to smartphone users.  MobileInternet

More than half of the mobile users are now using smartphones making it primary marketing channel for marketeers.


Penetration of the mobile users is slowing down due to saturation and it means that mobile phone is already adopted by most of the people worldwide,


Original Source:

See more at: http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Smartphone-Users-Worldwide-Will-Total-175-Billion-2014/1010536#sthash.yKIJvwwJ.dpuf


AMENDED 2017 Statistics


Seven Ways to Use Storytelling in Your Change Management Initiatives

Interesting analogies to reduce resistance for change.

Metscher's Musings

Change is hard. No one in your organization whether it is small or large wants to change their behavior. Let along their business processes. For class, I have been reading a lot about employee engagement and how communications can be used to help, “turn the tide.”

Change Management and Storytelling

Regardless of the communications vehicle, you need a compelling story to help move people from resistance to acceptance. So how do you tell a story that motivates your employees and stakeholders?

  1. People like to connect to stories.  It’s all about understanding the individual highlighted in the story and how we relate. Tell folks how this change will impact them. Draw it out for them.
  2. Figure out what emotion you want to invoke. What do you want the reader to do next? In communications, you need to identify what your call to action is. Same for change management communications, what do you want your stakeholders…

View original post 318 more words


Intersection of Different Models for Developing Digital Marketing Strategy!

Intersection of Different Models for Developing Digital Marketing Strategy

Intersection of Different Models for Developing Digital Marketing Strategy!

Visit following link for insight into Digital Marketing Strategy:


Social Media Investment Trend for 2013

Social Media Investment

Social Media Investment Trend for 2013

Surprisingly, LinkedIn turned out to be THE DARK HORSE for social media investment survey by “The Creative Group”, having top most growth on Y.o.Y basis. While Facebook kept its lead, having 62% investors shown their intent to increase social media investment in the social network. Google is keeping up growth rate with Facebook, however possess more satisfied investors than competition except from LinkedIn. Twitter and Youtube seems to be dissipating away from the competition.

Data derived from following blog post:

B to i to C in Social Media Marketing | DIVIDE & RULE!



Social media marketing is the sizzling topic of recent times. Worldwide web is flooded with articles and tips on how to use social networking. It is very important to note that social media marketing is not preference of gigantic businesses only; rather small businesses find it equally effective.

Continue reading “B to i to C in Social Media Marketing | DIVIDE & RULE!”


Schedule for publishing posts on Social Networks!

Schedule for publishing posts on Social Networks!

1. Breakfast with LinkedIn.
2. Midday Coffee break with Google+.
3. Lunch with Twitter.
4. Evening Tea with Facebook.
5. Dinner with Pinterest.

Continue reading “Schedule for publishing posts on Social Networks!”

Increase audience engagement through social media communities!

Social Media Communities

Social Media Communities
Social Media Communities

Personal experience tells that posting messages in communities and groups trigger more visits to your website or blog, than postings on the wall as public messages.

Continue reading “Increase audience engagement through social media communities!”

The Tortoise and the Hare! Inspiration for marketing

Tortoise and Hare ~ Digital Marketing

Tortoise and Hare ~ Digital Marketing
The Tortoise and The Hare ~ explore more on clicking image by visiting http://appfinder.lisisoft.com/app/hare-tortoise-stories-for.html

We have been listening to stories since our childhood to boost motivation for excellence.

Continue reading “The Tortoise and the Hare! Inspiration for marketing”

Classification of Social Media!

Social Media Types - Digital Marketing

What Is Digital Marketing?

In the last decade, there has been a lot of buzz of social media worldwide. There are so many elements in social media that at times it becomes very difficult to comprehend the entire context. The purpose of writing this article and sharing it with the audience is that to bring clarity in understanding of this very popular term “SOCIAL MEDIA”.

View original post 701 more words

Clash of Tactics with Strategy in Digital Marketing

Strategy and Tactics

Strategy and Tactics
Strategy and Tactics

We are witnessing several stories of successes and failures on digital marketing sphere. Like always, planning is the key role of managing businesses and virtually is a make or break. Since, planning horizon spans over multiple levels of management within all organizations, which makes it most vulnerable area for triggering failures. Wisdom of managing complete planning horizon, which includes strategy, tactics & action plans, is a panacea of business success. In this article, we will put light on the focus of different levels of management before coming to the real meat of discussing their detrimental effect on digital marketing planning.

Traditional organizational model comprises of three levels of management; Top management, middle management and lower management. All these three levels of management contribute in business planning. On top of this, there is a requirement of developing functional strategies, such as marketing, financial and HR strategies to support business strategy. Top management focuses on developing ‘strategies’ for the businesses usually spanning over 5-10 years. Middle management focuses on developing ‘tactical’ plans spreading over 1-3 years. Lower management focuses on developing action plans spanning over quarters or semesters. All these plans, should be integrated to each other in a way that ultimately business strategy should realize. Hence, it is clear that different people are involved in planning horizon and there is need of synergy.

The most important aspect of successful planning is ‘alignment’ of all plans. However, this is the area where practically most of the time staff being negligent. For instance, let us take an example of digital marketing, where top management framed a strategy of “NO SPAMMING” to win trust of potential customer in the longer run. However, during execution of tactics or actions, lower management designs digital marketing campaign having more than one product/service, to save on marketing costs. Since, each product or service has peculiar target market. Therefore, some potential customers will perceive this campaign as “SPAMMING” having irrelevant message. This will spoil brand image in a longer run and top management will realize this after considerable time, because strategic outcomes are always defined for longer period. Thus, it is vital to understand that at times, for tactical gains we tend to ignore strategic gains, which eventually lead us to nowhere.

Finally, to recapitulate, it is recommended that special emphasize is required on exercising controls over creation of different plans (strategy, tactics, action plans) in planning horizon. As small act in action plan may lead you to long-term failure as discussed above.



Big Picture of Digital Marketing! [VIDEO]

List of 5 hyperlinks referred in video:






Continue reading

Magical Six Figure Earnings in Social Media – Fox News Review

Social Media Job | Digital Marketing

Social Media Job | Digital Marketing
Social Media Job | Digital Marketing

Introduction and progression of social media has triggered a change in traditional marketing approach. Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Delicious and Digg has revolutionized marketing strategies. Companies use innovative articles, videos and info- graphics to stimulate interest in internet customers. Organizations influence buying decisions by giving references of mutual connections. Consequently, companies seeking to create social buzz on social networking sites announces jobs in the field of social media marketing.

West is the forerunner and United States is leading in creating social media jobs. Forecast is that US will beat previous year’s opportunities created by more than twenty-five percent. Fox news did an independent review in which it was claimed that some social media pros are earning in MAGICAL SIX FIGURES.

Social media savvy are utilizing their skills such as blogging, social networking or media sharing for earning their livelihoods, which is interesting aspect of web 2.0. Web 2.0 is not a technology rather a concept in which websites and applications integrate with social networking platforms. Although hardcore programming and marketing skills are preferred but these are not mandatory skills in order to get social media marketing jobs.

Social Networking profession is complete career stream having different levels of management. There are positions at top management level such as Digital Strategist, Director Social Media etc. Middle management has positions like Social Media Marketing Manager and Content Manager etc. At lower management, there are bloggers, SEO technicians, moderators of forums and social networking technicians etc.

If you want to register yourself on job hunting site for social media then click here!

Overview of GE’s Change Acceleration Process (CAP)


This is a much needed dimension of recent times. Digital marketing requires stringent change management processes. Enjoy the treat of reading this wonderful article!


Agility Science

In 1989-90, under the direction of Jack Welch, GE launched “Work-Out” – a team based problem-solving and employee empowerment program modeled after the Japanese quality circles model that was in vogue at the time.  Work-Out was a huge success and Welch was frustrated by the rate of adoption through the business.  Welch, the visionary, realized that GE (and everyone else!) was entering an era of constant change, and that those who adapted to change the fastest would be the survivors.  He commissioned a team of consultants (including Steve Kerr, who was to become GE’s first Chief Learning Officer) to scour industry and academia to study the best practices in change management and come back to GE with a tool kit that Welch’s managers could easily implement.  The result was the Change Acceleration Process, commonly referred to within GE simply as “CAP.”[1]

The Change Effectiveness Equation

The team studied hundreds…

View original post 783 more words


Measuring ROI: Is My Digital Marketing Strategy Working?

Click Here Measuring ROI: Is My Digital Marketing Strategy Working?

Measuring ROI of Digital Marketing
Click on the image to go to Webinar Video!

Recently, came across to excellent webinar by David, in which wisdom of measuring return on investment in digital marketing is shared. Personally, find it very useful and pragmatic, owing to this decided to share it with you.

It has four easy and logical steps from ‘defining objectives’ to ‘measuring metrics’, then of to ‘DIY Model’ followed up by ‘Focus on KPIs’. Furthermore, in measuring metrics, four kinds of matrices are advised ‘Audience’, ‘Social Channel Engagement’, ‘Universal Engagement’ & ‘Financial’. Lastly, seven habits of agile marketing model were shared to put pragmatism in the approach of developing digital marketing strategy.

Overall, this webinar is a collection of methodology, tactics & approach, making it complete package for digital marketing professionals.

Enjoy learning from this video 🙂

Bulls’eye ! publish winning ‘Posts’ on social media.

Postings on Social Media | Digital Marketing

Postings on Social Media | Digital Marketing
Postings on Social Media | Digital Marketing

Marketers’ communicate with the help of ‘Posts’ in inbound marketing, in other words we can say that posting is the protocol of communication in inbound marketing. There several types of posts in social media world, such as status post, blog post, micro-blog/tweet, Graphic Posts, Video Posts or Audio posts etc. Success of online interaction relies on in-depth analysis of target market behaviors, interests, needs, wants and convenience. In this article, we will analyze some of the major factors involved in posting brand messages.

  • Alignment – Understanding Background
    • Understanding Marketing-Mix to align posts
    • Understanding Customer Needs & Wants to align posts
    • Understanding of Social Media Mix to align posting strategy 
  • Segmentation – Creating Groups, Lists or Circles as per following demographics:
    • Gender
    • Age or Generation
    • Time Zones
    • Interests
    • Irritants & Grievances
    • Triggers: This is another aspect to put weight in leads. Escalating or Deescalating triggers increases or decreases the chances of getting customer engaged. Trigger can be holidays in the specific localities and it may mean that customer is not approachable or it may mean that customer is more than ready to be engaged as he has to do shopping.
  • Content Management
    • Diversity to attract all demographics
    • Keywords are important for Social Media Searches
    • At least two or more topics or ideas to counter monotonousness
    • Supporting facts & examples for all topics and ideas
    • Real life Analogies help in engaging audience 
  • Planning, Monitoring & Control Posts
    • Identifying Influence-rs through social network data analytic tools like Google Ripples etc.
    • Identifying like-minded communities, groups, lists or boards etc.
    • Unique short URL for specific post to track its effectiveness
    • Mapping customer irritants, needs & product/service features
    • Hash-tag keywords to increase visibility of post among social network search engine
    • Always post to specific list, group or circle. Public post is like a talking-brochure sales person and most of the people ignore them.
    • Acknowledging and encouraging shares, comments, likes
    • Follow-up Posts with paraphrasing and with little tweaks in the post
    • Acknowledging and encouraging shares, comments, likes
    • Continual Improvement Process until objectives are achieved

REMEMBER: The 4Ps Are Out, The 4Es Are In | Ogilvy & Mather

4 P and Es | Digital Marketing

4 P and Es | Digital Marketing
4 P and Es | Digital Marketing

Click here to discover insights of the subject: 

The 4Ps Are Out, The 4Es Are In | Ogilvy & Mather.

Owing to the integration of Marketing and Digital Technology, has triggered many changes in the marketing approach of communicating brand value.  Fundamental changes are that in legacy marketing, businesses use to target as per geographical barriers but not there are no barriers as such courtesy internet and cellular networks. Moreover, concept of “Push” and “Pull” in marketing is the new dimension on which marketing strategies are being developed.  Digital Consumer becomes more difficult to be satisfied, due to ease in access to product/service online reviews.

Conflict of interest in gaining trust

Conflict Of Interest | Digital Marketing

Conflict Of Interest | Digital Marketing
Conflict Of Interest | Digital Marketing

Recently, we are witnessing very informative articles suggesting winning trust in-order to gain long-term engagement with digital consumers.  There is a logical reason behind this claim that is since social media marketing is a buzzword of recent times, and to interact on this platform ethical practice needs to be followed. Therefore, winning trust by providing high quality content to digital consumers is the new dimension kicking into marketing strategies, so that audience trust is achieved.

However, what if one of your fierce competitors is doing a research on the topic related to your business stream and the white paper or blog post released contain high quality content. Would you share it on your blog? Because, if you go on ethical grounds, then this content is required to quench the thirst of content of digital consumer, but at the same time you are compromising with your business strategic goals; this leads us to CONFLICT OF INTEREST.

There will be a requirement of constraints in sharing information of your competition if it is in conflict with your business strategy. From Legacy marketing to digital marketing, primary focal point remained competition analysis and deducing competitive edge for your businesses, this is a natural course of action, as far as marketing is concerned and founding principle. That is why alteration in this dimension is not pragmatic option. Finally, it is suggested that “Excess of anything is bad” quote. Moderation is advised, when it comes to information sharing of competition or anything, which comes in conflict to your business interests.


Wind Of Challenges | Digital Marketing

Wind Of Challenges | Digital Marketing
Wind Of Challenges | Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is in vogue, and most of the businesses worldwide, are adopting this dimension of marketing just to earn status symbol of being “Innovative Organization”. Owing to this adhoc approach, decision of indulging into online marketing unfolds unpleasant surprises upfront. In this blog post, we will unearth some of the significant challenges faced by the companies in implementing digital marketing strategies. Awareness of these potential pitfalls may lead to plan contingencies and risk management strategies, before diving into Digital Marketing. However, this is no doubt that digital platform is the bigger stage for marketing, but at the same time if you get it wrong then it will become the reason of your rapid descend as well!


This is one of the key risks in digital marketing, as technology and search engine algorithms are changing with high frequency making digital marketing strategies redundant. Therefore, it is vital to tackle this risk by incorporating mitigation or transferring tactics. Another approach to confront this problem is to make short spanned milestones, which collectively over a considerable period realize strategic goals (may be after one to five years). Thus, mathematics concepts of “Integration” and “Derivation” hold the key for digital marketing strategies.

Diversified Customer Relationship Channels:

Another challenge, which marketers face in digital marketing, is plethora of social networking sites on which they have to interact with customers. Legacy marketing use to revolve around TV and print media for communicating brand value but it is not the case anymore. Organizations need to broaden their presence base across all major or desired social networking sites to keep the reach for their digital endeavors. Furthermore, social networking is not the only fragment, on which digital consumers are present, mediums like search engines, Emails, SMS, Digital Billboards are the other platforms on which virtual interactions are required. Since, there are many channels of engagement for the marketers and it is impossible to keep presence on all mediums, this call for intelligent selection of channels as per the product/service nature.

Organization Readiness for Embracing Digital marketing:

This is the area, which is usually neglected. To introduce change in any system it is vital to make necessary arrangements, in-order to make that system compatible with change. For instance, if business does not possess content writers, bloggers and social media strategist etc. in their line-up and these functions are left on the individual who does not possess the required capabilities, then that system is bound to fail. Moreover, if website does not comply with web 2.0 frameworks, and social networking page is created on social networking website, then instead of increasing brand value it will start diminishing it, as being not share-able on social networks. Hence, it shows clearly that organizations must assess their readiness before entering into digital market.

Device Independence:

About a decade ago, there was historic transition in software development industry where Java introduced platform independent programming language. Now is the time when marketing world is facing the same dilemma and there is a requirement of device independent marketing strategies. Further to illustrate, if some company has designed and created an impressive landing page on its website for the promotion of one of its product. However, that landing page has no mobile interface then that company wills failure out on the opportunity not being on the smart phones. Similarly, if website is not tested on all web browsers of computers, tablets or smart phones then it is relying on luck to get beneficial results of the campaign. Therefore, it is pertinent to have device independent approach in all digital marketing strategies to bear successful outcomes.

Lack of international standards in Digital marketing:

Digital marketing alone cannot achieve ultimate objective of marketing, there is a need of Hybrid approach, which combines legacy with digital marketing. There are not international standards like those that we do have in marketing or for that matter in other professional bodies; this adds further grief on the problem. Since, we cannot control this dimension so it is always advisable to make appropriate practices by combining several standards of marketing and information technology.

Irritated Customers:

Digital marketing may turn out to be “Curse in disguise!” because the principle of digital marketing is word of mouth significance and what if it comes from one of your irritated customers. This will lead companies to catastrophe like the famous case of “DELL-HELL”, where one of its customer turn out to be a blogger who ruined DELL reputation on digital landscape with alacrity. Beware of this risk and always look out for the irritated customers and resolve their irritants by rectifying the problem. Contrariwise, this is a favorable dimension for digital consumers having the ability to effect companies brand value and will contribute in raising the level of customer satisfaction.

Overabundance of Data for Analysis:

Moving onto the most touted challenge as we speak; there are almost infinite number of data analytic approaches and software in the marketplace. Without any doubt, the king of analytics is “Google Analytics” for the website and “WordPress Analytics” for blogs. However, the reason for mentioning it as challenge is that the size of the data is huge. To maintain this data for some time is a real overhead, as higher storage is required, Confidentiality-Integrity-Availability of data, Security and safety requirements and last but not the least, integration of all data analytic to assist in making marketing decisions.

Communication with Stakeholders:

Coming to the end of our list of challenges, as a rule in management; communication is the make and break for all businesses. When it comes to digital marketing this is the area where you find most difficulties. Because, it is a relatively new phenomena and there are not more tangible examples to refer in your communication with stakeholders like bosses or investors. This leaves ample task and skill on the marketers to convince their bosses to take decision in their favor but most of the time it gravitates towards the other side. It is recommended, that consistent pursuit and comprehensive details are the two pillars of getting the verdict in your favor and there is no elixir of life, which will fix this problem all of sudden.

Finally, to recapitulate, this is not the complete list of the problems but certainly one of the top most challenges faced by marketing professionals in recent times. Purpose of this blog post is not to discourage anyone, rather it’s a heads up call for all of us.

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Four Pillars of Digital Marketing Strategy


Ingenious framework for digital marketing strategy development; SOSTAC ® marketing planning model guide is one of the corner stones in digital marketing arena. One of the key strengths of SOSTAC is that it is logical and pragmatic framework to follow and provides ease in communicating to the stakeholders as they grab the concept easily. However, when you start thinking in implementing this framework, you need further help of techniques and guidelines. Focus of this blog post is to throw light on the synergy of SOSTAC, BABOK V2, IELTS and Swarm Intelligence.


SOSTAC recommends, conducting Situation Analysis as a first step in strategy development lifecycle. Suggested elements include customer insights, market trends and internal capabilities etc. BABOK V2.0 provides process and techniques to determine business needs, which are derived from customer needs, or at times business needs are customer needs itself. Relevant domain in BABOK is Enterprise Analysis and Elicitation. Aforementioned domains have documented processes and related techniques to perform activity in a professional manner. Techniques such as, Benchmarking, Brainstorming, Lessons Learned Process, Root Cause Analysis, User Stories, SWOT Analysis, Risk Analysis, Document Analysis, Focus Groups, Interface Analysis and to name but a few. Moreover, Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring comes handy in the phase of Control or Strategy in SOSTAC. Requirement management and communication is the field, which will be required in managing and communicating requirements to stakeholders. There is another blog which provides insight to BABOK in digital marketing.

As per SOSTAC phase of Tactics there is a requirement of Content Plan and for that, IELTS guidelines should be utilized in order to exploit maximum benefit from established processes and standards, instead of re inventing the wheel. This topic was covered in depth in one of my recent blog posts “Rules of IELTS in creating content anatomy to get social media friendly!”

Another aspect of successful digital marketing strategy is conceiving marketing network. Digital marketing works on digital gadgets and virtual interactions are conducted. Critical success factor in implementing digital marketing strategy lye’s in efficient and cost effective implementation of marketing network. Inception of social media marketing in digital marketing arena, compelled us to develop such kind of network, which self organizes and utilize intelligence of millions of users in the shape of influence-rs or brand ambassadors or product reviewers. I suggest swarm intelligence as a guiding principle in implementing such type of networks and series of blog posts are already written on the subject. Quick links to all these blog posts are given below to explore:

Finally, I highly encourage to leave comment on the post as this is an endeavor to seek pragmatic solution to develop and implement effective digital marketing strategy!

Rules of IELTS in creating content anatomy to get social media friendly!

IELTS For Content Marketing | Digital Marketing

IELTS For Content Marketing | Digital Marketing
IELTS For Content Marketing | Digital Marketing

Recently, businesses are exploring ways to manage their content to get maximum returns on their investments. Content Marketing, is often seen as writing an article having images and videos but not many are considering the broad spectrum. Let us examine how we can exploit maximum returns out of our valuable investments on creating content by following IELTS semantics. Firstly, we will look into the IELTS semantics guidelines for writing and then we will see if it is an appropriate practice for content marketing respectively.

IELTS have criteria on which they gauge article quality and effectiveness:

Task Achievement: In this criterion, they look for the fulfillment of topic. Moreover, they seek whether examples and facts, are provided in the article to validate claim.

Coherence: This law says that, article should be distributed in multiple paragraphs having specific purpose. Namely to illustrate, Introduction, Body and Conclusion Paragraphs. Body paragraph can further subdivide based on need and usually it is required, when topic has several dimensions such as rebuttal, advantages or disadvantages and to name but a few. The most important aspect of coherence is that all paragraphs should be lined with introduction paragraph. Start discussion by expanding on the topic sentence of the introduction paragraph. Always end your paragraph by connecting it back with introduction paragraph by paraphrasing topic sentence.

Cohesion: It is very interesting aspect of writing and this rule suggests that when new sentence starts it should have linking word (such as, Likewise, therefore, Eventhough etc.). This helps in providing logical flow to the reader and makes it easy for him/her to understand that now discussion has progressed to the next level.

Lexical Resource: if I say that this element is the Jewel of content, then I am not wrong as lexical resource means using high quality vocabulary. Most of us are already aware of this aspect so it does not require further analysis.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: This is the area, which is the most touted for consideration, but we still remain negligent and keep on doing grammatical errors. There is no panacea to grammatical problems apart from following same legacy rules.

With experience, have found out that if your content is in proper structure and based on guidelines mentioned above, then it becomes sharing friendly. For instance, tweeting topic sentence at the start of the marketing campaign and over due course tweeting other topic sentences of different paragraphs of the same article without the need of amendment. Furthermore, this structure will also assist in developing database of the content, which is searchable as per requirement, and this is vital for businesses that run frequent digital marketing campaigns. Moreover, posting on to other social networking sites will become easy by copying entire paragraph and using it as a post with supporting image. Thus, it clearly shows that following IELTS rules assist in getting your content more shareable.

Finally, to recapitulate, we have a priceless resource of IELTS which should be employed in our content marketing strategies to take our content to the higher level of sharing and searching. Coming to the end there is a recommendation that there are infinite online tutors for IELTS why not to use them to correct anatomy of the content. 😉
Happy blogging!

Unveiling Social Media SPIDERS & BOTS | Integrated Optimization

Social Media Spiders ! Integrated Optimization

Social Media Spiders ! Integrated Optimization
Social Media Spiders ! Integrated Optimization

We are living in the era where information and communications technology is leading and triggering changes in all walks-of-life. For the last few years, search engine optimization remained one of the most touted buzzword in online fraternity and then came social media optimization. However, like always technology is not going to wait for anything to grow mature and continue to keep on taking strides forward. Owing to this tendency, we are witnessing another change in optimization world, where Google is showing its predilection towards social indicators as the basis of page ranks. Discover, to the point blog post by Samantha “Google Has Changed Their Website Ranking Advice” to have background information. However, in this article we will try to explore compelling reasons due to which search engines are drifting towards social media indicators and future scenario of optimization world.

Firstly, we have to reiterate the real objective behind setting back-links one of the significant criteria to rate websites; previously, this was the only option available that reflects reputation and demand of the content on the site by digital consumers. This led to introduction of new tactics of building back-links to the website so that its page rank is improved in the eyes of search engines. Due to the very reason, focal point of all resources and efforts were to gain back-links and not on the content of the website, this where problem lies as search engine as we speak most of the time show search results with irrelevant content because owners of the websites have optimized them. Thus, the state of affairs were such that search engines have to take some corrective measures in order to raise the quality of the organic search results.

With the inception of Web2.0 and rapid popularity of social networking sites, search engines have realized that there is another more efficient way of determining the reputation and demand of the content on the website and that is social sharing, comments and likes/dislikes. There are several reasons why this approach is being proffered over previous approaches and they are stated below:

  • Ultimate goal of search engines are to provide organic search results as, per consumers demand, and what could be the better option than social media indicators (such as sharing, ratings, likes or comments) as these are the verdict of the same consumers.
  • There are several aspects about the content, and these all are not related to the quality of the content. Rather, some of them points to the relevance as well, relevance of time, relevance of language, relevance of culture and to name but a few. It is hard to determine relevance with the help of algorithms, so why not to transfer that burden back to online consumers as they are selecting relevant content and rate them daily on social media sphere.

Finally, to recapitulate, social media has acted as catalyst here, and triggered change in search engine algorithms for rating websites. Thus, in times to come we will make web2.0 compliant websites in order to make them search engine friendly and all types of optimizations (such as Search engine optimization, social media optimization, On-page Optimization) will integrate with each other to form “Hybrid Optimization or Integrated Optimization”. Moreover, social media interactions will act as the key performance indicator for search engine bots or spiders and i will not be surprised if facebook or twitter launches its own social search engine. Furthermore, keywords in the content will be highlighted as hash tags ‘#’.

Coming to end, I think we are moving in a right direction and we are going to see interesting changes in times to come. Like always my advise is “Change with the Change! Otherwise Change will Change You!”

Six Stage Process Of Content Marketing!

Content Marketing | Digital Marketing

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing include several integrated components like Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Marketing and Display Advertisements. However, one of the key components is content marketing, which falls in almost all of the categories of online marketing. May it be social media or search engine marketing you need to have attractive content to pull audience to your brand.

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Social Media & Search Engine Optimization Vs Social Media & Search Engine Marketing

Facets Of Marketing | Digital Marketing

Facets Of Marketing | Digital Marketing
Facets Of Marketing | Digital Marketing

Lately we have seen countless jargons in the field of digital marketing. Owing to this, professionals working in online marketing have ambiguous understanding of the subject. For instance, terminologies like social media optimization (SMO) and then social media marketing (SMM), moreover, search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) and to name but a few. In this article without giving any references, we will try to explore clear understanding of the subject.

Lets discover about online optimization, it is the process by which your brand/website is synergized with other mediums like search engine and social media. In other words, it is the infrastructure laid for linking your website with search engine and social networking, in a way that exchange of information is performed with ease. Further to illustrate, integrating sharing options in the website, making website search engine friendly, making social media pages and having back-links from other sites, are all examples of digital optimization. Therefore, optimization is just like building a skeleton of digital network and tying everything to it.

As we already know, marketing is the process of communicating value to potential customers. Therefore, all activities, which we conduct online for communicating value, come under the umbrella of marketing. Furthermore, if social media page or its posts are being promoted on social network then that will be considered as social media marketing not social media optimization. Moreover, if you promote your website/brand on search engine then it will be termed as search engine marketing. Thus, it is clear from above that running digital campaign, understanding customer needs or making strategies of marketing are the facets of digital marketing (SMM,SEM, Internet Marketing, Email Marketing, Display advertisements, Digital Billboards etc.). Moving forward on the analogy mentioned in the last paragraph, marketing is the process of giving life (Spirit) to the skeleton build above.

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Look busy do nothing – Reverse the Curse In 5 Steps! SMM

Reverse the curse | Digital Marketing

Reverse the curse | Digital Marketing
Reverse the curse | Digital Marketing

Mounting popularity of social media marketing has compelled businesses to adopt emerging platform of social networking as their preferred marketing channel. Since the inception of social media marketing into their overall marketing strategies, organizations are facing problems of social media misuse at work.

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The history of the Web teaches us how rapidly the web have changed in the past 15 years.

Change is the only thing which is permanent. so don’t forget “change with the change otherwise change will change folks”

Digital Advertising and User Experience

The Web became an advertising medium in the early 1990’s. According to Hairong Li (2011) the Web started as a single page and transformed into something richly sophisticated, with new features, functions and advanced applications. With the proliferation of e-commerce the Web has been used as platform to launch new forms of interactive advertising, like display ads, sponsorship, search ads, blogs, social ads, user generated content, and applications. 

The history of the Web teaches us how rapidly the platforms have changed in the past 15 years. According to Hairong Li (2011) in the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) 1998 revenue report there were only four types of interactive advertising. This number grew to 22% in 2010. Search advertising, instead first appeared in the IAB 2000 revenue report and passed from 1% on the first year to 47% in 2009  (p. 17).

With the growth of advertising utilizing digital media,

negative consumer reactions toward digital…

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Social CRM | Convert | Planning Interactions

Social CRM | Convert | Planning Interactions

Social CRM | Convert | Planning Interactions
Social CRM | Convert | Planning Interactions

This is the fifth info-graphic in the series of 10 graphics. Objective is to show desired capabilities when it comes to planning interactions in the Convert Phase of marketing. Importance of this activity is that it develops interaction packages for the next activity of executing interactions.

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Measuring the Impact of Digital vs. Traditional Advertising on Website Traffic

It is pertinent to have tools in your armory to gauge actual performance of digital and traditional advertising endeavors. Explore simple and straightforward way of evaluating outcomes of promotion activities on social media, search engine and traditional means.

Advertising in the Digital Age

tradvsdig_mediabudgetsThere’s an old adage that says “Half of my marketing dollars are working, I just don’t know what half.”  How true is that in this digital age for most businesses that have a mix of digital and traditional advertising?

One of the million dollar questions that every business owner or marketer wants to answer is just how effective is my traditional advertising versus my digital advertising for my business?

Well, there is no silver bullet in the industry right now that answers this question with 100% percent certainty, but there are some tricks that you can use that help shed some light on how effective (or in-effective) your traditional advertising is at bringing consumers to your brand and engaging with your website.

The Concept

In order to do this experiment you’ll need to have installed Google Analytics on your website and have at least 30 days of traffic data.


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Digital Pheromone

Digital Pheromone In Digital Marketing

Digital Pheromone In Digital Marketing
Digital Pheromone In Digital Marketing

Although there are many natural examples of swarm intelligence ranging From flock of birds to school of fish. However, in this blog post we will be discussing Ant Colony Optimization to imitate same behabiour in digital marketing. Ants are the inspirational creatures who collectively can achieve goals, which are hard to belief keeping in mind the size of tiny species. Such as, optimized short route identification for searching and transporting food, making bridges by holding on to each other legs and to name but a few.

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BACK TO SQUARE ONE ! Looking at the Horizon.

ICT Horizon | Digital Markeing
ICT Horizon | Digital Markeing

Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T.) is one of the fields that are continuously changing with the passage of time. Owing to this, associated industries need to change as well to cop with it, such as Digital Marketing. Looking at the technology evolution, you do not require to be a rocket scientist in anticipating future direction. There are going to be significant changes in ICT through out the world. In this blog post, we are going to examine what are those changes and what will be the effects of transformation respectively.

Continue reading “BACK TO SQUARE ONE ! Looking at the Horizon.”

Following BABOK V2.0 In Digital Marketing!

BABOK and Digital Marketing

BABOK and Digital Marketing
BABOK and Digital Marketing

Social CRM is the buzzword of the recent time and progressing organizations are considering developing capability to expand their reach into the boundaries of social media. Continue reading “Following BABOK V2.0 In Digital Marketing!”

Effective Marketing Strategy | Micro Tip

Customer Irritants | Digital Marketing

Customer Irritants | Digital Marketing
Customer Irritants | Digital Marketing

One of the most important aspects of effective marketing strategy is basing your strategy on the strong foundations of consumer needs and wants.

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Risk Management In Digital Marketing

Risk Management In Marketing | Digital Marketing

Risk Management In Marketing | Digital Marketing
Risk Management In Marketing | Digital Marketing

Although risk management is the responsibility of entire organization but as always there is single responsible person who is leading the initiative and monitoring it; that person is Risk Manager.Analogy to understand this role is that Risk Manager is the person who sits  next to the driver (CEO) of the vehicle (organization). Job of this person is to forewarn driver about the humps or detours on the way and suggesting counter measures to overcome the problem.

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Risk Management Dilemma in Digital marketing!

Risk Management In Marketing | Digital Marketing
Risk Management In Marketing | Digital Marketing

Risk analysis and control is one of the key areas of management. However, due to some reason risk management somehow has not been core component of marketing practices. Although other field of studies such as project management, business analysis and Information technology has been implementing risk management principles with full spirit and zeal. Thus, in this blog post we will try to look at some of the famous failures in marketing initiatives, then we try to examine the problems and finally we will conclude with recommendations to overcome this dilemma of lack of integration of Risk management with digital marketing.

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Remembering Basics Of Marketing For Digital Gain!!!

Remembering basics of marketing for digital gain | Digital Marketing

Remembering basics of marketing for digital gain | Digital Marketing
Remembering basics of marketing for digital gain | Digital Marketing

Lets go back and recognize this fact that marketing approach has not changed a lot and founding principles are the same but mode of communication has changed!

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Social CRM | Convert | Managing Leads

Social CRM | Convert | Managing Leads

Social CRM | Convert | Managing Leads
Social CRM | Convert | Managing Leads

This is the forth info-graphic in the series of 10 graphics. Objective is to show desired capabilities when it comes to managing lead in the Convert Phase of marketing. Importance of this activity is that it develops lead packages for the next activity of customer visitation plans.

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Is Digital Marketing a Makeover of Legacy Marketing or Innovation?

Digital Marketing Is Innovation Or Makeover Of  Legacy Marketing | Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Is Innovation Or Makeover Of Legacy Marketing | Digital Marketing

It may indeed be true to say that legacy marketing has transformed to digital marketing, this subject however requires further analysis. According to many professionals of legacy marketing, this transformation is merely a relabeling of the traditional marketing terms. By way of contrast, others gravitate towards the opposite way. This post will look at both points of view before reaching to reasoned conclusion at the end.

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Viral Marketing Initiatives

Meeting Customer Needs To Go Viral!

Why Social Media?

Viral-Marketing-pic-of-peopleViral marketing has a snowball effect. It gets bigger and bigger and moves faster and faster as it goes along. So why is it that some messages go viral, while others don’t? Are there specific reasons that some marketing efforts get shared by so many, while others languish on the social media floor? Fortunately for us, there are specific factors that popular viral marketing ventures have in common, including humor, intrigue, interaction, cleverness, and controversy. The following are some examples of these different aspects that have been used successfully.

HUMOR. A pretty universal strategy for getting people’s attention is to use humor. Of course, there are myriad types of humor so it is very important to know your target audience and what kinds of humor they find entertaining. For example, there seems to be a rash of nonsensical and slapstick kind of humor in the media lately. This type of…

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Seeding An App In Swarm Marketing Network

Swarm Marketing Network | Digital Marketing
Swarm Marketing Network | Digital Marketing

This is the third post on the subject of Swarm Intelligence in Marketing. We will take one step further by discussing how swarm marketing network can be established.

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Implementing Swarm Intelligence in Social Media Marketing!

Swarm Intelligence in SMM | Digital Marketing
Swarm Intelligence in SMM | Digital Marketing

Social media is still relatively new phenomena having about 5 years of age. Strategists find it difficult to put their strategies on paper in black and white, just because of ambiguous understanding of the subject.

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